

Posted by lucilletorridon | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on 15th October 2020

Hi 3J,

Do you recognise some of these emotions?

I really enjoy the movie Inside Out and the different ways they show the emotions and feelings we have every day.

Take a look at ‘Anger’.

This character always shouts, runs around angry, throws things and finds it difficult to stay calm.

What advice can we give the them? Write a short letter to them in the comments.

Try to use:

  • An appropriate opening and ending (Dear… and From…).
  • Personal pronouns (you, me, my, your).
  • Pieces of advice for them to calm down.
  • Emotive language (tell them you understand how they feel!)


Now look at ‘Fear’

This character is always scared, hiding, not wanting to try new things, worried about what is happening next.


Try to give ‘Fear’ 5 top tips to help them. You might want to suggest something you do when you’re feeling scared.

I hope to see some of your letters and top tips in the comments!




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